Welcome on the site of Lwengo
LWEngo RUural DEvelopment SUpport Organisation Uganda is an indigenous community based organization that was formed in the year 2007 as a result of the challenges that are faced by the community. These included rampant poverty, food insecurity and poor nutrition habits, lack of markets for farmers’ produce, lack of affordable credit, youth unemployment, HIV/AIDS, low education access, low access to clean and safe water and poor sanitation that individually and collectively hinder human growth and development for community members in Lwengo community.
We sincerely appreciate the contributions made by our partners and happy to acknowledge that we are realising a positive impact on the lives of the vulnerable groups that include; children living with HIV, children with disabilities, the poor elderly and the most marginalised people.
- Increase access to safe and clean water.
- Ensure improved food security and increased family income.
- Increase awareness, care and support to reduce the spread and adverse effects of HIV/AIDS.
- Increase access of families to improved health care services.
- Improve literacy levels by enabling orphans and vulnerable children (O.V.C.) access better quality education.
- Ensure a well conserved environment by encouraging and practicing tree planting and better agriulture practices.